10 Film Animation with the best earnings

Animated films not only entertain moving cartoon images of children. Animated films have come up to a new level that can entertain the whole world. Currently animated film comes with a very high budget produced by the production of very large companies like Disney and DreamWorks. A response to a very high quality films have also been accepted globally, with animated films get a large income. They are not just the ones that simply entertain young children grow, but also those who membuatnymempunyai a lot of money in Box Office.
Here are the animated films with high incomes:

  1. Shrek 2
  2. Released in 2004, Shrek 2 received total gross proceeds of U.S. $ 920,665,658. The film is very popular all over the world, which also has music bands such as the Crows, is a production of DreamWorks’ Shrek 2.

  3. Finding Nemo
  4. Finding Nemo, produced by Disney, and released in 2003, ranking second in the list of top 10 animated films with the best income, get the gross amount of U.S. $ 864,625,978.

  5. Shrek the Third
  6. Another animated film produced by DreamWorks, Shrek the Third is, the rest of the series of Shrek The Third. Shrek The Third was released in 2007, Getting the gross proceeds of U.S. $ 798,957,081.

  7. The Lion King
  8. The Lion King, Disney’s fourth, was released in 2004, making the amount of U.S. $ 783,841,776. Lion King film is so popular that even the very popular TV series.

  9. Ice Age: The Meltdown
  10. This one is a production of 20th Century Fox Animation .. Ice Age: Meltdown was released in 2006, making the gross income of $ 651,564,512.

  11. Kung Fu Panda
  12. Kung Fu Panda, produced by DreamWorks, released in 2008, earning U.S. $ 631,908,951, ranking sixth in the list of Top 10 Best Animated Feature with income. Kung Fu Panda has a production budget of $ 130 million, but received almost five times around the world.

  13. The Incredibles
  14. Released in 2004, Incredibles is very popular to make a number of $ 631,442,092 and ranked seventh on the list with revenues of Best Animated Film. The Incredibles produced by Disney.

  15. Ratatoulle
  16. produced by Disney, and released in 2007, made a number of $ 621,426,008 Ratatoulle ranked eighth in this list.

  17. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
  18. Produced by DreamWorks, and released in 2008, Madagascar: Eascape 2 Africa makes the gross amount of U.S. $ 584,316. Songs like “I Like to Move It! Move It! “It became very popular from this film.

  19. WALL-E
  20. Disney production, released in 2008, making the gross amount of U.S. $ 534, 745 966. The above list is based on the popularity and success worldwide and not just based on the U.S. or the UK.

The invention of hugo cabret

The new novel published by Mizan Fantasy / Landscape Library is a unique novel writers as well as illustrator Brian Selznick. With more than 500 pages, The Invention of Hugo Cabret tells the story of teenager named Hugo Cabret poor who have expertise in any included clock repair. Once abandoned by his father and uncle for ever, Hugo who lives alone in a “secret room” in the scope of the railway stations of Paris, France found an automaton, whether it belongs to whom. Automaton Hugo trying to fix it by relying on the technical logbook giving his late father. Unfortunately the book falls into the hands of a stall toy seller named Georges. Hugo continues to attempt to reclaim the book, but Georges has always had a reason to save it. Hugo then met with her to her own age and was related to the Georges. With her, Hugo then attempt to take back the record books and turned out to unlock the secret veil of Georges who actually have the good old days associated with French cinema at the beginning of the 20th century.

The author Brian Selznick also works as an illustrator and designer. With these capabilities Brian illustrations add a lot of great illustrations that can bridge the story word for word in the book that we like watching a movie that moves in this unique novel. Language of this novel is so easy to understand while the illustrations are so detailed in describing the atmosphere of the novel the feel of adventure and fantasy. The plot was fast, although not too much conflict. Hugo Cabret The main character is also portrayed not as the perfect youth behavior, just the depiction of Hugo Cabret is not black and white, but gray enough. Similarly, other characters such as Isabelle, Georges and his wife Jeanne, and my friend named Hugo and Isabelle Etienne.

This unique adventure fantasy novel worth reading for anyone truly depict the theme of a strong youth and would have catapulted the imagination and fantasy, as well as a milestone reminder of the past in the memories, especially memories of the cinema. Novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret This is practically a love letter to the world of cinema Brian Selznick. It is no coincidence because Brian Selznick is the cousin of the late well-known Hollywood producer David O ‘Selznick who had produced two legendary film Gone with the Wind and Rebecca.

Novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret is adapted by renowned Hollywood director Martin Scorsese a spectacular wide-screen film called HUGO which just won 11 Oscar nominations in 2012 including Best Picture and Best Director. While waiting for her film entry into Indonesia, it is better first read the novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret is for the whole family.

Sinema Neorealisme Italia

Selama hampir dua dekade sinema Italia dibawah kontrol penuh pemerintahan fasis dibawah pimpinan Benito Mussolini (1922–1945). Mussolini menyadari betul bahwa ia dapat memanfaatkan medium sinema untuk tujuan propaganda. Di tahun 1933, Mussolini membentuk Direzione Generale per la Cinematografia sebuah dewan yang bertugas menyensor semua naskah film yang akan diproduksi. Naskah-naskah film yang disetujui mendapat subsidi dari pemerintah hingga 60% dari biaya produksinya. Sementara naskah film yang bertema murni pro-fasis mendapatkan subsidi hingga 100%.
Di tahun 1935, Mussolini membentuk Ente Nazionale Industrie Cinematografiche (ENIC) yang melengkapi campur tangan pemerintah di semua aspek industri sinema melalui kontrol penuh seluruh mata rantai distribusi film di Italia. Seluruh film asing (didominasi film-film Hollywood) yang masuk harus melalui jalur ini untuk sekaligus diseleksi untuk kemudian di-dubbing bahasa Italia. Mussolini juga membentuk Centro sperimentale di cinematografia sebuah sekolah film yang masih eksis hingga kini serta studio film Cinecitta di Roma Tujuannya jelas untuk membantu para sineas lokal untuk memproduksi film-film bertema pro-fasis. Mussolini juga adalah sosok yang memprakarsai ajang Venice Film Festival yang dimulai sejak tahun 1932.
Sistem kontrol demikian ketat berakibat pada semua film-film Italia yang diproduksi adalah bertema pro-fasis dan memiliki prinsip serta ideologi kebangsaan yang kuat. Film-film yang secara terang-terangan mengusung tema propaganda diistilahkan dengan “black film”. Tujuan film ini adalah untuk mempertebal semangat rasa kesatuan dan persatuan rakyat Italia. Sementara film yang banyak diproduksi pada masa ini diistilahkan “pink film”. Film jenis ini juga menganut idealisme fasis dan lebih sekedar merupakan hiburan ringan yang mampu menutup realitas sosial yang porak-poranda akibat persengketaan politik. Salah satu jenis “pink film”, diistilahkan film “white telephone”. Film jenis ini umumnya mengadopsi film-film Hollywood dan memotret kehidupan masyarakat yang bahagia dan sejahtera.
Mendaratnya tentara sekutu di pantai Sicilia pada tanggal 10 Juli 1943 merupakan sinyal keruntuhan pemerintahan Mussolini. Di saat tentara sekutu berperang melawan Jerman di wilayah utara Italia, perlawanan separatis anti-fasis juga berlangsung di wilayah selatan. Dengan bantuan perlawanan separatis akhirnya tentara sekutu mampu menembus garis wilayah utara. Tanggal 25 April 1945 akhirnya rakyat Italia lepas dari pendudukan Jerman dan merdeka secara total. Di masa perlawanan tersebut beberapa sineas telah memproduksi beberapa film yang mengangkat kondisi serta realitas yang sesungguhnya terjadi.
Salah satu film yang menonjol berjudul Obsession (1943) arahan Luchino Visconti. Film ini mengangkat tema kemiskinan dan penderitaan akibat tekanan sosial dari rezim penguasa yang disajikan dengan pesimistik dan dingin. Obsession menandai perkembangan sebuah era sinema Italia ke arah yang baru. Awal kemunculan gerakan neorealisme ditandai melalui film Open City (1945) arahan Roberto Rossellini. Rosselini bahkan memulai produksi film ini sejak tahun 1943, ketika tentara Jerman masih menduduki kota Roma. Berbeda dengan film-film di era sebelumnya, Open City merupakan sebuah kisah tragis yang memotret perjuangan manusia melawan belenggu penjajahan. Film ini mampu menggambarkan realitas politik yang sebenarnya terjadi di balik segala keindahan yang ditampilkan pemerintahan Mussolini.
Dalam perkembangannya film-film bertema sejenis mulai bermunculan. Film-film ini secara umum menampilkan realitas politik dan sosial yang terjadi pada masyarakat Italia masa itu. Tendensi inilah yang kemudian dikenal sebagai gerakan sinema neorealisme, sebuah gerakan “new realism” atau sebuah realitas baru. Walau film-film neorealis ini umumnya kurang berhasil di pasaran namun secara kritik mereka mencapai hasil yang luar biasa. Seperti Shoeshine (1946) serta film landmark gerakan ini, The Bicycle Thief (1949) keduanya arahan Vittorio De Sica, masing-masing mendapatkan penghargaan Oscar.* Film-film neorealis lainnya yang menonjol antara lain, Paisan (1946) dan Germany Year Zero (1947) keduanya karya Rosselini, La Terra Trema (1948) karya Visconti, Bitter Rice (1949) karya Giuseppe De Santis, kemudian Miracle in Milan (1951) dan Umberto D (1951) karya De Sica.
Secara tema film neorealis umumnya mengangkat tema kemiskinan dan ketidakadilan. Sangat kontras dengan film-film berjenis “white telephone”. Karakter dan tokohnya biasanya berasal dari kalangan bawah, seperti buruh, nelayan, petani, pekerja kasar, bahkan pengangguran. Semua film-film neorealis menekankan pada aspek emosional ketimbang ide-ide yang bersifat abstrak, selalu menghindari dan melakukan perlawanan terhadap bentuk naratif konvensional. Tragedi selalu menjadi menu utama dalam film-film neorealis. Umumnya mereka selalu memiliki akhir menggantung, tragis, penuh penyesalan dan ketidakbahagiaan.
Secara estetik film-film neorealis memiliki ciri-ciri unik yakni melakukan syuting di lokasi sesungguhnya seperti di jalanan kota atau desa, pemukiman, pasar serta ruang-ruang publik lainnya. Ciri utama lainnya adalah penggunaan pemain non-aktor sehingga mampu memperbesar efek realisme serta orisinalitas tiap adegannya. Film-film neorealis umumnya menggunakan teknik dubbing serta menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari dan menghindari pemakaian bahasa formal. Dengan pengambilan gambar di lokasi sesungguhnya serta penggunaan dubbing menyebabkan pergerakan karakter serta kamera menjadi lebih leluasa. Secara umum film-film neorealis bentuknya sangat sederhana dan jarang sekali menggunakan efek kamera.
Faktor politik, ekonomi dan budaya yang memicu gerakan neorealisme timbul namun faktor tersebut jugalah yang membuat gerakan tersebut memudar. Kondisi perekonomian yang membaik dan rakyat Italia yang mulai sejahtera membuat pemerintah kurang menyukai film-film yang menyorot masalah kemiskinan. Beberapa kebijakan pemerintah mulai menghambat gerakan neorealis hingga para sineas tidak lagi memperoleh kebebasan. Gerakan sinema neorealisme boleh dibilang bukan merupakan gerakan sinema yang sifatnya inovatif secara sinematik. Namun merupakan sebuah gerakan sinema yang mampu merubah sinema secara sosial, politik maupun sejarah. Elemen-elemen estetik neorealis sendiri masih selanjutnya masih tampak dalam karya-karya sutradara besar Italia lainnya seperti, Federico Fellini dan Michelangelo Antonioni; lalu film-film karya sutradara besar India, Satyajit Ray; serta film-film gerakan New Wave Perancis. (hp)

Female Characters in Anime Character (Anime lovers enter)

Derelogy (Tsundere, Dandere, Yandere, Kuudere)

In the anime or manga, a term often used Tsundere, Dandere, Yandere, and Kuudere to reveal his character’s personality. But many do not understand completely what it means and how it differs. Try under the posts above explain the fourth term. But since lazy to make its own review, so just copy and paste from various places

Source: IDWS Forum

Ramen Boyz
My brain: 3

• Tsundere
Tsundere is a kind of slank term in Japanese which is an acronym of tsuntsun and deredere.
Tsun-tsun could literally translated as “aloof, morose, pointed”, while the dere-dere is “exhausted, lovestruck.” Simply put, tsundere character type usually was a prominent woman who described hot-blooded character, and tried desperately to deny his own feelings when falling in love with someone. Famous example is the girl protagonist in figure 2 by Ken Akamatsu (which for some reason I think are very used to this type of characters), which Narusegawa Naru (Love Hina) and Asuna Kagurazaka (Negima). Other examples are the Chidori Kaname (Full Metal Panic) and Urumi Kanzaki (GTO). That’s just an example of the tsundere-1-direction (which are treated as just one guy, for example, Sagara Sousuke or Urashima Keitaro). There is another tsundere-by-condition like Haruno Sakura from Naruto, in which like-hate relationship this only happens between Naruto, Sakura, because Sakura is really acting like a “nice girl” only when it is near Sasuke.
Oh yes, there is a note that says that somehow Tsundere type is suitable when fitted with “Pigtail” (like Kagami – Lucky Star, and Asuna – Negima) or “Drill” (as Touko – Marimite) and Yandere type is suitable if it has the properties rather moe.

Tsundere is divided into sections based on the factors causing the manifestation of the nature of tsundere.

  1. Natural Tsundere
    Tsundere nature of the most common and most often found. Tsuntsun properties originally came from a sense of nervous character is concerned, this is a knee-jerk reaction to run away from feeling nervous. Because the spontaneous emergence in some cases the characters in question are not aware of his own actions. Pressure that can result in nervous mental condition there are many kinds, it depends on the sensitivity of the sense of character. Tsundere type this one is actually relatively easy on the handle than the other tsundere type.

    Example: Naru Narusegawa

  2. Narcism Tsundere
    Tsundere following properties arise as a result of narcisis nature of the character in question. Behavior-tsun tsun and dere-dere it was purely because of the nature of self centered. The most difficult character to receive corrections and opinions.

    Example: Shana, Suiseiseki

  3. Tsundere Ojou
    Tsundere nature which arise as a result of the background of the lives of the characters concerned that applying superior lifestyle. This will involve character prestige properties and behaviors that trigger hard to tsun-tsun. In this case the character in question will condition itself to be more difficult to reach … though in fact he wants to be approached. Often what is expressed or overexpressed in contrast to what is actually there in peraasan this character. Once someone finds the point of dying for this character, the character has no reason or strength anymore to cover up true feelings, and soon he will show the nature of dere-dere.

    Example: Eri Sawachika, Shinku

  4. Deviant Tsundere
    Tsundere is the most dangerous kind of all. Because the phase-tsun tsun it must be passed by the extraordinary circumstances that are likely to threaten the lives of other characters. Usually occurs in or on the character of the villain character who is more than a feeling like blood.

    Example: Levi

  5. Tsundere Pragmatic
    Tsundere the most recent classification. The characters tend to be pragmatic, responding to all things seriously, so stick to the rules, and usually as a character who has a sense of humor Tsukomi low. But because of his always serious and at one time turned into a gentle aura moe tsundere with others, then this character is classified as a Tsundere official.

    Example: Kagami Hiragi

  6. Tsundere extrovert
    Tsundere character appears in a cheerful, lively, a lot of behavior, in other words expressing or extrovert. This is a manifestation of the most childish tsundere than others. At this tsundere type character in question will do anything to be close to another character, usually a Mischievous behavior or interfere with any other character … and this is the phase tsutsun.
  7. Introvert Tsundere
    The opposite of extrovert Tsundere … and only applies in a quiet character. Tendency to hide true feelings arise because of the nature introvertnya own. Or in short, it’s basically an enclosed character. Tsun-tsun reactions most likely occur only verbally. – This type is hereafter referred to as Dandere.

• Dandere
One moe-inspiring character trait in the Anime.
And, if there are moe trait that can rival the Tsundere archetype, maybe just this character type, Dandere.
Dandere literally comes from the word “danmari” + “deredere”.

An adjective to describe the character of a quiet, shy, but later did the unexpected when we consider initially a shy nature. Her dere-dere phase occurs when a character is alone with his favorite character. Or it could also be used to describe the character traits that although shy but betindak progressive character even more than normal.

Dandere used also to express the condition when a person is characterized by quiet (danmari taipu) entered the phase of love struct (dere-dere). And symptoms usually appear when the character in question meet the preferred character …. kind of reaction can be kind, awkward, or just talk shit Blushing. But the appearance of any expression beyond our expectations. Eg Primula character, we all know that this character is like a robot who rarely express their emotions. Well that’s why when Primula Blushing is something unexpected could happen to this character …. This phase is called deredere, and this character is called Dandere.

A. Ayase Yue – Negima
2. Setsuna Kioura – School Days
3. Nodoka – Negima Magister
4. Primula – Shuffle

• Yandere
In addition there is another one that uses the term “dere-dere” again the Yandere. The opposite of tsundere, can Yandere shall mean the sort of fetish object, a sense of love that turns into a “cult” pure. A good example of a yanderenekko is Yukime (Jigoku Sensei Nube).

• Kuudere
Kuudere is of type character “cool” (cool = read Kuu by the Japanese). Quiet, but not emotionless. There are times when they showed little emotion. This type is much closer tsundere would be a bit hard to distinguish so. The difference, kuudere more mature than his image menjada tsundere and be well.
Example: Yin (Darker Than Black), CC (Code Geass), Saber (Fate / Stay Night), Aono Morimiya (Sola), Fumika (Shigofumi) Mashiro Rima (Shugo Chara).

Film story

10. The Searchers

Original Story By: Alan Le May

Ethan Edwards, an ex-Confederate soldier from the Indian Wars, finds that his family has been massacred and his niece captured by the Comanches and vows to bring her back and kill everyone of the Indians who did this to him. He travels for five years in order to find her and when he does realizes even though she has been found she has become one of them. The Searchers was ranked #1 on the American Film Institute’s list of the 10 greatest films in the genre “Western” in June 2008.

Interesting Fact: Lana Wood played young Debbie Edwards and Natalie Wood, who was Lana’s older sister by eight years, played teenaged Debbie Edwards.

9. Psycho

Original Story By: Robert Bloch

Phoenix officeworker Marion Crane is fed up with the way life has treated her. She has to meet her lover Sam in lunch breaks and they cannot get married because Sam has to give most of his money away in alimony. One Friday Marion is trusted to bank $40,000 by her employer. Seeing the opportunity to take the money and start a new life, Marion leaves town and heads towards Sam’s California store. Tired after the long drive and caught in a storm, she gets off the main highway and pulls into The Bates Motel… This is a film that no one will dispute deserves a place on this list. It is perhaps the greatest horror movie across all generations.

Interesting Fact: When the cast and crew began work on the first day they had to raise their right hands and promise not to divulge one word of the story. Hitchcock also withheld the ending part of the script from his cast until he needed to shoot it.

8. Jaws

Original Story By: Peter Benchley

A Great White shark decides to make the small beach resort town of Amity his private feeding grounds. This greatly frustrates the town police chief who wants to close the beaches to chase the shark away. He is thwarted in his efforts by the town’s mayor who finally relents when nothing else seems to work and the chief, a scientist, and an old fisherman with revenge on his mind take to the sea to kill the beast. Jaws was a bestselling book for Peter Benchley, but it took the force of a movie to frighten generations away from the beaches!

Interesting Fact: After the shark was built, it was never tested in the water, and when it was put in the water at Martha’s Vineyard, it sank straight to the ocean floor. It took a team of divers to retrieve it.

7. Ben-Hur

Original Story By: Lew Wallace

When Prince Judah Ben-Hur hears that his childhood friend Messala has been named to command the Roman garrison of Jerusalem, he is thrilled. He soon finds however that his friend has changed and has become an arrogant conqueror, full of the grandeur of Rome. When Judah refuses to divulge the names of Jews who oppose Roman rule, Messala decides to make an example of him and sends him off as a galley slave. Through fate and good fortune, Judah survives the galleys and manages to return to Jerusalem in the hopes of finding his mother and sister, who were also imprisoned, and to seek revenge against his one-time friend.

Interesting Fact: Initially there were queries over whether William Wyler was the right director for the job, as he’d never tackled a film of this scale before. One of the doubters was Wyler himself.

6. Silence of the Lambs

Original Story By: Thomas Harris

Clarice Starling, a young intelligent FBI trainee, has been sent to the Baltimore state hospital for the criminally insane to interview an inmate Dr. Hannibal-the cannibal- Lecter. A brilliant renowned psychiatrist turned infamous psychopathic serial killer. She must match wits with Lecter -who has the darkest of all minds- and trust him to give her clues in the search for “Buffalo Bill”. This is, undoubtedly, one of the greatest psychological thrillers ever put to screen. The success of this film contributed largely to the success of Harris as a writer.

Interesting Fact: Anthony Hopkins studied videotapes of serial killers as part of his research for the film. After noticing that Charles Manson hardly ever blinked when he spoke, he did the same for Hannibal Lecter.

5. Gone With The Wind

Original Story By: Margaret Mitchell

The epic tale of a woman’s life during one of the most tumultuous periods in America’s history. From her young, innocent days on a feudalistic plantation to the war-torn streets of Atlanta; from her first love whom she has always desired to three husbands; from the utmost luxury to absolute starvation and poverty; from her innocence to her understanding and comprehension of life. This one hit wonder book by Margaret Mitchell not only worked out brilliantly for her publishers, it also became the highest-grossing film in the history of Hollywood, and received a record-breaking number of Academy Awards.

Interesting Fact: The movie’s line “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
was voted as the #1 movie quote by the American Film Institute (out of 100).

4. The Shawshank Redemption

Original Story By: Stephen King (Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, a short story from Different Seasons)

After the murder of his wife, hotshot banker Andrew Dufresne is sent to Shawshank Prison, where the usual unpleasantness occurs. Over the years, he retains hope and eventually gains the respect of his fellow inmates, especially longtime convict “Red” Redding, a black marketeer, and becomes influential within the prison. Eventually, Andrew achieves his ends on his own terms. This film has become so popular it now ranks as the IMDB number 1 film – knocking the Godfather in to the number 2 spot. There is no doubt that the film is excellent, but I do not believe it deserves the number 1 spot on this list.

Interesting Fact: The mugshots of a young-looking Morgan Freeman that are attached to his parole papers are actually pictures of Morgan’s younger son, Alfonso Freeman.

3. The Godfather

Original Story By: Mario Puzo

Vito Corleone is the aging don (head) of the Corleone Mafia Family. His youngest son Michael has returned from WWII just in time to see the wedding of Connie Corleone (Michael’s sister) to Carlo Rizzi. All of Michael’s family is involved with the Mafia, but Michael just wants to live a normal life. Drug dealer Virgil Sollozzo is looking for Mafia families to offer him protection in exchange for a profit of the drug money. Puzo is a good writer, but Coppola is a better director and consequently this film rocketed Puzo to fame he would never have achieved alone.

Interesting Fact: During rehearsals, a false horse’s head was used for the bedroom scene. For the actual shot, a real horse’s head was used. The head was acquired from a dog-food factory.

2. Blade Runner

Original Story By: Philip K. Dick (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?)

In a cyberpunk vision of the future, Man has developed the technology to create replicants, human clones used to serve in the colonies outside Earth but with fixed lifespans. In Los Angeles, 2019, Deckard is a Blade Runner, a cop who specialises in terminating replicants. Originally in retirement, he is forced to re-enter the force when six replicants escape from an offworld colony to Earth.

Interesting Fact: Philip K. Dick claimed that footage of the film was exactly what he had envisioned when he wrote the book. However, Ridley Scott, who was notorious for having gotten exactly the visual look he wanted, claimed to have never read Dick’s source novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”

1. Standy By Me

Original Story By: Stephen King (The Body, a short story in the book Different Seasons)

Based on Stephen King’s short story “The Body”, “Stand By Me” tells the tale of Gordie Lachance, a writer who looks back on his preteen days when he and three close friends went on their own adventure to find the body of a kid their age who had gone missing and presumed dead. The stakes are upped when the bad kids in town are closely tailing – and it becomes a race to see who’ll be able to recover the body first. That such a great film can be made from a mere short story says a lot about Reiner’s excellent directing skills. Both this, and Shawshank Redemption (also by Stephen King) rate in the IMDB top 250. Considering that Different Seasons was a rather mediocre book compared to some of King’s great books (such as The Stand), make these two films clear winners for this list.

Interesting Fact: At the insistence of director Rob Reiner (an avid non-smoker who campaigned for anti-smoking laws in California), the cigarettes smoked by the boys were made from cabbage leaves.

10 The Mandatory Watched Film Technology

Inside this futuristic film, John Travolta plays Gabriel Shear as a very beambisi to gain access to a sophisticated computer system that contains many secrets of government and of course money. He commissioned the Stanley Jobson (Hugh Jackman), a leading computer expert to help them to penetrate into the system.

Live Free or Die Hard
July 4th, right on America’s birthday, someone managed to penetrate into the computer system and the FBI are trying to extinguish the entire electronic system across America. Their efforts prevented by detective John McClane along with a young hacker named Matt Farrell.

A boy was arrested by U.S. Secret Service for making a computer virus and forbidden to touch a computer until his 18th birthday. Once the time comes, he and some friends managed to sniff out a plan his new hidden a computer genius to spread computer viruses are very dangerous, at the same time they also wanted by the U.S. Secret Service.


The film is based on the true story of fishing effort in the U.S. most wanted hacker, Kevin Mitnick.

Milo Hoffman, a genius programmer who recently graduated from Stanford, was invited by Gary Winston (portrayed Bill Gates) to complete a major project called Synapse. They need to be able to achieve the target Milo launch of Synapse, convinced by Alice, her boyfriend, Milo finally accepted the offer. He did not realize that all that was planned by Gary from the beginning, who would do anything for Synapse.

Pirate Of Silicon Valley
History of two of the largest technology companies, Apple and Microsoft.

21 Blackjack
21 is a true story about six MIT students who were trained to even become a reliable Blackjack players who end up earning millions of dollars from casinos in Las Vegas.

Tron Legacy
Sam Flynn, teens 27 year old son of Kevin Flynn, tried investigating the disappearance of his father. Who took it to a digital world filled with computer programs and the fight in which the father has been trapped for 20 years.

Source Code
An action film that tells the story of a soldier trapped in the body of a stranger in the mission of finding a train bomber Chicago.

Iron Man 2
The world has to know who is behind the mask of Iron Man, but it is increasingly making Tony Stark is pressed by the various parties to share the technology with the creation of the military. Do not want to let go, along with Pepper Potts Stark and James Rhodes to form a new force against a formidable enemy.
Bonus 1 again which should not be missed:

The Social Network – Facebook
On the night of the fall of 2003, a Harvard student and computer programmer Mark Zuckerberg sat in front of his laptop to work on a new idea. In this condition while writing a blog and do the program, what he has started in the dorm room that eventually became a large social network and revolutionized the way we communicate via the Internet. After six years and 500 million registered users, Mark Zuckerberg has become the youngest billionaire in history. But success did not escape from personal problems and serious legal problems.