Doraemon adalah judul sebuah manga populer yang dikarang Fujiko F. Fujio sejak tahun 1969 dan berkisah tentang kehidupan seorang anak pemalas kelas 5 SD yang bernama Nobi Nobita yang didatangi oleh sebuah robot kucing bernama Doraemon yang datang dari abad ke-22. Dia dikirim untuk menolong Nobita agar keturunan Nobita dapat menikmati kesuksesannya daripada harus menderita dari utang finansial yang akan terjadi di masa depan, yang disebabkan karena kebodohan Nobita.
Tom and Jerry
Tom and Jerry adalah sebuah serial animasi Amerika Serikat hasil produksi MGM yang bercerita tentang sepasang kucing (Tom) dan tikus (Jerry) yang selalu bertengkar. Seri animasi ini adalah pemenang Academy Award (Piala Oscar) dan membentuk dasar dari seri sukses studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). Cerita pendek mereka ini diciptakan, ditulis dan disutradarai oleh 2 orang animator bernama William Hanna dan Joseph Barbera (mereka kemudain terkenal sebagai Hanna-Barbera).

Garfield adalah sebuah komik strip oleh Jim Davis yang menceritakan tentang Garfield sebagai tokoh utama yang merupakan seekor kucing peliharaan Jon Arbuckle. Tokoh lainnya adalah Odie, seekor anjing yang kurang cerdas. Pada tahun 2006, komik strip ini dilisensikan kepada sekitar 2.570 surat kabar dan majalah serta memegang rekor pada Guinness World Record sebagai komik strip yang paling luas dilisensikan di dunia. Nama Garfield diambil dari nama kakek Jim, James Garfield Davis, yang dahulu namanya diambil dari nama Presiden Amerika Serikat, James Garfield.

4.Felix the Cat
Felix the Cat terinspirasi dari kipling The Cat That Walked By Himself dalam Just So Stories yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 1902. aslinya ia diciptakan oleh seorang animator muda bernama Otto Messmer, dengan filmnya yang berdurasi 5 menit, Feline Follies (1919) dan Musical Mews (1919), saat itu Felix dikenal sebagai “Master Tom”. Lewat filmnya yang ke tiga, The Adventures of Felix, (1919), barulah kucing tersebut memiliki namanya sendiri. Pada tahun-tahun awalnya, kartun-kartun Felix didistribusikan oleh Paramount Pictures, dan kemudian oleh M.J. Winkler. Messmer menyutradarai dan menganimasikan lebih daru 175 kartun Felix the Cat antara tahun 1919 hingga 1929 (10 tahun). Felix adalah tokoh pertama yang dibuat merchandisenya secara meluas, ia mulai pada tahun 1923 hingga 1966.
5. Sylvester 
Sylvester J. Pussycat, Sr. atau Sylvester (the Cat) adalah sebuah tokoh kartun dalam serial Looney Tunes dan Merrie Melodies produksi dari Warner Bros. Sylvester memakai nama yang disadur dari felis silvestris. Sylvester menggambarkan seekor kucing berwarna hitam dan putih milik Granny. Sylvester selalu dipelihara Granny. Sasaran yang diincar Sylvester ialah Tweety, Speedy Gonzales dan Hippety Hopper. Sylvester kadang-kadang bekerjasama dengan Wile E. Coyote waktu menangkap Speedy Gonzales dalam adu lomba cepat antara Speedy Gonzales dan Road Runner. Karakter ini kadang-kadang payah dalam tugas menangkap burung atau tikus. Karakter ini diciptakan oleh Friz Freleng
6.Hello Kitty
Hello Kitty
Hello Kitty adalah nama untuk sekelompok karakter yang didesain oleh perusahaan Jepang, Sanrio. Karakter utamanya bernama Kitty White, adalah personifikasi dari kucing berwarna putih dengan ciri khas pita atau hiasan lainnya di daun telinga sebelah kiri dan mulut yang tidak digambar. Hak cipta Hello Kitty didaftarkan pada tahun 1976 dan sekarang merupakan merek dagang di seluruh dunia. Pada waktu pertama kali diperkenalkan, target utama pemasaran Hello Kitty adalah anak perempuan, tapi sekarang penggemar Hello Kitty terdiri dari wanita maupun pria dari berbagai kalangan usia.
Di Jepang, penggemar berat dan kolektor Hello Kitty disebut Kitty-ra. Pada tahun 2004, barang-barang Hello Kitty menembus pasar lebih dari 60 negara di seluruh dunia. Karakter Hello Kitty sudah merupakan subkultur yang mewakili budaya Jepang.
7.Cyborg Kurochan
Cyborg Kuro-Chan adalah seri Manga Shonen yang dibuat oleh Naoki Yokouchi, serial di majalah Kodansha Komik Bom Bom. Ini kemudian diadaptasi menjadi sebuah serial anime yang diproduksi oleh Studio Bogey dan ditayangkan di TV Tokyo pada 2 Oktober 1999 sampai Januari 6 Desember 2001, sebanyak 66 Episode.
source : Terselubung

Kisah Kucing Kesayangan Nabi SAW, dan Keistimewaan Kucing Dalam Islam

Didalam perkembangan peradaban islam, kucing hadir sebagai teman sejati dalam setiap nafas dan gerak geliat perkembangan islam.
Diceritakan dalam suatu kisah, Nabi Muhammad SAW memiliki seekor kucing yang diberi nama Mueeza. Suatu saat, dikala nabi hendak mengambil jubahnya, di temuinya Mueeza sedang terlelap tidur dengan santai diatas jubahnya. Tak ingin mengganggu hewan kesayangannya itu, nabi pun memotong belahan lengan yang ditiduri Mueeza dari jubahnya. Ketika Nabi kembali ke rumah, Muezza terbangun dan merunduk sujud kepada majikannya. Sebagai balasan, nabi menyatakan kasih sayangnya dengan mengelus lembut ke badan mungil kucing itu sebanyak 3 kali.
Dalam aktivitas lain, setiap kali Nabi menerima tamu di rumahnya, nabi selalu menggendong mueeza dan di taruh dipahanya. Salah satu sifat Mueeza yang nabi sukai ialah ia selalu mengeong ketika mendengar azan, dan seolah-olah suaranya terdengar seperti mengikuti lantunan suara adzan.
Kepada para sahabatnya, nabi berpesan untuk menyayangi kucing peliharaan, layaknya menyanyangi keluarga sendiri.
Hukuman bagi mereka yang menyakiti hewan lucu ini sangatlah serius, dalam sebuah hadist shahih Al Bukhori, dikisahkan tentang seorang wanita yang tidak pernah memberi makan kucingnya, dan tidak pula melepas kucingnya untuk mencari makan sendiri, Nabi SAW pun menjelaskan bahwa hukuman bagi wanita ini adalah siksa neraka.
Tak hanya nabi, istri nabi sendiri, Aisyah binti Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq pun amat menyukai kucing, dan merasa amat kehilangan dikala ditinggal pergi oleh si kucing. Seorang sahabat yang juga ahli hadist, Abdurrahman bin Sakhr Al Azdi diberi julukan Abu Hurairah (bapak para kucing jantan), karena kegemarannya dalam merawat dan memelihara berbagai kucing jantan dirumahnya.
Penghormatan para tokoh islam terhadap kucing pasca wafatnya Nabi SAW.
Dalam buku yang berjudul Cats of Cairo, pada masa dinasti mamluk, baybars al zahir, seorang sultan yang juga pahlawan garis depan dalam perang salib sengaja membangun taman-taman khusus bagi kucing dan menyediakan berbagai jenis makanan didalamnya. Tradisi ini telah menjadi adat istiadat di berbagai kota-kota besar negara islam. Hingga saat ini, mulai dari damaskus, istanbul hingga kairo, masih bisa kita jumpai kucing-kucing yang berkeliaran di pojok-pojok masjid tua dengan berbagai macam makanan yang disediakan oleh penduduk setempat.
Pengaruh Kucing dalam Seni Islam.
Pada abad 13, sebagai manifestasi penghargaan masyarakat islam, rupa kucing dijadikan sebagai ukiran cincin para khalifah, termasuk porselen, patung hingga mata uang. Bahkan di dunia sastra, para penyair tak ragu untuk membuat syair bagi kucing peliharaannya yang telah berjasa melindungi buku-buku mereka dari gigitan tikus dan serangga lainnya.
Kucing yang memberi inspirasi bagi para sufi.
Seorang Sufi ternama bernama ibnu bashad yang hidup pada abad ke sepuluh bercerita, suatu saat ia dan sahabat-sahabatnya sedang duduk santai melepas lelah di atas atap masjid kota kairo sambil menikmati makan malam. Ketika seekor kucing melewatinya, Ibnu Bashad memberi sepotong daging kepada kucing itu, namun tak lama kemudian kucing itu balik lagi, setelah memberinya potongan yang ke dua, diam-diam Ibnu Bashad mengikuti kearah kucing itu pergi, hingga akhirnya ia sampai disebuah atap rumah kumuh, dan didapatinya si kucing tadi sedang menyodorkan sepotong daging yang diberikan Ibnu Bashad kepada kucing lain yang buta kedua matanya. Peristiwa ini sangat menyentuh hatinya hingga ia menjadi seorang sufi sampai ajal menjemputnya pada tahun 1067.
Selain itu, kaum sufi juga percaya, bahwa dengkuran nafas kucing memiliki irama yang sama dengan dzikir kalimah Allah.
Cerita yang dijadikan sebagai sauri tauladan
Salah satu cerita yang cukup mahsyur yaitu tentang seekor kucing peliharaan yang dipercaya oleh seorang pria, untuk menjaga anaknya yang masih bayi dikala ia pergi selama beberapa saat. Bagaikan prajurit yang mengawal tuannya, kucing itu tak hentinya berjaga di sekitar sang bayi. Tak lama kemudian melintaslah ular berbisa yang sangat berbahaya di dekat si bayi mungil tersebut. Kucing itu dengan sigapnya menyerang ular itu hingga mati dengan darah yang berceceran.
Sorenya ketika si pria pulang, ia kaget melihat begitu banyak darah di kasur bayinya. Prasangkanya berbisik, si kucing telah membunuh anak kesayangannya! Tak ayal lagi, ia mengambil pisau dan memenggal leher kucing yang tak berdosa itu.
Tak lama kemudian, ia kaget begitu melihat anaknya terbangun, dengan bangkai ular yang telah tercabik di belakang punggung anaknya. melihat itu, si pria menangis dan menyesali perbuatannya setelah menyadari bahwa ia telah mebunuh kucing peliharaannya yang telah bertaruh nyawa menjaga keselamatan anaknya. Kisah ini menjadi refleksi bagi masyarakat islam di timur tengah untuk tidak berburuk sangka kepada siapapun.
Hukum membunuh kucing
Tahukah agan Nabi Muhammad saw juga membela kucing? Hadis riwayat Abdullah bin Umar ra.:
Bahwa Rasulullah saw. bersabda: Seorang wanita disiksa karena mengurung seekor kucing sampai mati. Kemudian wanita itu masuk neraka karenanya, yaitu karena ketika mengurungnya ia tidak memberinya makan dan tidak pula memberinya minum sebagaimana ia tidak juga melepasnya mencari makan dari serangga-serangga tanah. (Shahih Muslim No.4160) dan Dalam syariat Islam, seorang muslim diperintahkan untuk tidak menyakiti atau bahkan membunuh kucing, berdasarkan hadits shahih yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim dari kisah Abdullah bin Umar[1] dan Abu Hurairah.[2]
Adakah manfaat kucing bagi dunia ilmu pengetahuan?
Salah satu kitab terkenal yang ditulis oleh cendikia muslim tempo dulu adalah kitab hayat al hayaawan yang telah menjadi inspirasi bagi perkembangan dunia zoologi saat ini. Salah satu isinya mengenai ilmu medis, banyak para dokter muslim tempo dulu yang menjadikan kucing sebagai terapi medis untuk penyembuhan tulang, melalui dengkuran suaranya yang setara dengan gelombang sebesar 50 hertz. Dengkuran tersebut menjadi frekuensi optimal dalam menstimulasi pemulihan tulang.
Tak hanya ilmu pengetahuan, bangsa barat juga banyak membawa berbagai jenis kucing dari timur tengah, hingga akhirnya kepunahan kucing akibat mitos alat sihir di barat dapat terselamatkan.
Kucing “Muqawwamah”: Kucing Palestina yang Dipenjara di Sel Khusus Israel
Jika boleh iri, kaum muslimin mungkin harus iri kepada kucing Palestina. Pasalnya, ditengah ketidakmampuan kita ikut membela saudara-saudara kita di Palestina yang kini sedang berjuang mempertahankan Masjidil Aqsha dari ancaman israel, justru seekor kucing tampil sebagai pahlawan. Kucing itu dinilai zionis-israel dapat membangkitkan perlawanan (muqawwamah).
Sebagaimana dikutip situs www.maannews.net, zionis-israel telah memenjarakan seekor kucing Palestina. Kucing ini dinilai menjadi penghubung di sel isolasi di kamp tahanan pejuang-pejuang Palestina di Negev.
Menurut pejabat israel, kucing tersebut membantu para tahanan dengan membawa barang-barang ringan seperti surat, roti dan lainnya dari satu sel ke sel lain. Peran itu dimainkan si kucing selama berbulan-bulan, sebelum akhirnya ketahuan.
Penjaga penjara Negev lalu menjebloskan kucing itu ke dalam sel khusus. Nah, siapa bersedia menjenguk kucing yang pintar ini? Adakah kira-kira pengacara dermawan yang akan membelanya?
Cholis Akbar/Suara Hidayatullah


10 Greatest Big Animals Movie Ever

Manusia adalah hewan yang berakal. Tanpa akal manusia hanyalah hewan. Tapi kalau kita melihat film-film berikut sepertinya mereka juga memilikinya. Berikut daftar film tentang hewan yang memiliki akal sekaligus bebadan besar terbaik sepanjang sejarah…

1. King Kong

Film hewan raksasa terbaik sepanjang masa. Menggabungkan teknik animasi stop-motion, film ini berhasil menggabungkan fiksi ilmiah berbasis cerita horor dengan percintaan yang tragis.
Film ini juga memberi kita salah satu adegan paling ikon dalam sejarah film ketika The Kong menampar – nampar pesawat tempur di atas Empire State Building. “Bukan pesawat yang membunuhnya, tapi kecantikanlah yang menyebabkannya”

2. Jaws

Jaws pada umumnya diterima dengan baik oleh kritikus, dan menjadi film paling sukses dalam sejarah saat itu. Film ini memenangkan beberapa penghargaan untuk soundtrack, editing, dan dianggap sebagai salah satu film terbesar sepanjang masa. Dengan tema musik yang begitu tepat, Hiu Putih pemakan manusia begitu menyeramkan.

3. Godzilla

Sebuah efek dari energi atom yang berjalan tidak semestinya. Dinosaurus bermutasi tidak sewajarnya yang kemudian dikenal dengan Godzilla. Ia mulai menghancurkan segala sesuatu yang ditemuinya.

4. Mighty Joe Young

Jika King Kong tidak pernah dirilis, mungkin film ini menjadi film hewan raksasa terbaik. Dirilis enam belas tahun setelah King Kong, Mighty Joe Young menampilkan efek khusus yang lebih baik dalam menciptakan kera raksasa. Tidak seperti King Kong saat digedung pencakar langit, Joe menjadi pahlawan di akhir film.

5. Beethoven

Raksasa, air liur anjing adalah sesuatu yang mencoba ditonjolkan dan berhasil sukses menjadi film besar. Bernard yang raksasa tumbuh dari seekor anak anjing biasa, dicintai oleh ibu dan anak-anak yang lainnya dengan kadar cinta yang sama.

6. Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park 1 adalah film hewan besar dengan pendapatan terbesar. Sama besarnya dengan ketakutan yang ditebarkannya kepada seluruh penontonnya. Hewan yang begitu besar, Raptors yang ganas, special efects yang mengagumkan; salah satu master piece dari sang legendaris: Steven Spielberg.

7. Them!

Seperti Godzilla yang ditujukan untuk pemirsa Jepang, Them! ditujukan untuk publik Amerika. Salah satu film rakasa nuklir pertama dan film yang meledak di pasaran. Film thriller fiksi ilmia ini meraih Oscar untuk Efek Khusus Terbaik dan Penghargaan Golden Reel untuk Editing Suara Terbaik.

8. Night of the Lepus

Fakta yang menarik dari film ini adalah selain film ini berkisah tentang kelinci pembunuh raksasa, salah satu bintang dari film ini adalah Dr Leonard McCoy sendiri, DeForest Kelley. Film ini termasuk film terbaik utuk raksasa mutan.

9. Orca

Orca menggebrak bioskop amerika hanya dua tahun setelah Jaws mendominasi layar lebar. Kali ini makhluk bawah air raksasa tidak membuat kekacauan untuk kesenangan sendiri. Tetapi, paus pembunuh keluar untuk membalas dendam atas kematian pasangan dan anaknya oleh seorang pemburu. Sang pemburu harus kembali dan menuntaskan pekerjaannya.

10. Tremors

Hanya ada tiga film yang dibuat tentang raksasa cacing mutan, dan Tremors lah yang terbaik dalam sejarah. Film ini adalah film cacing mutan yang paling terkenal. Film – horor – fiksi – ilmiah – komedi ini begitu menarik pengamat film sehingga diproduksi dua sekuel, prekuel satu dan mini seri televisi.


Salah satu misteri terbesar di dalam dunia Cryptozoology adalah makhluk setengah manusia setengah ikan yang disebut Mermaid atau putri duyung. Karena karakternya yang aneh, makhluk ini kemudian lebih sering dikaitkan dengan hal mistis ketimbang sains.

Mermaid adalah sebuah istilah yang diberikan kepada makhluk air yang memiliki tubuh dari pinggang ke atas seperti perempuan sedangkan pinggang ke bawah seperti seekor ikan. Walaupun kita hanya pernah mendengar makhluk ini dari sekumpulan dongeng, keberadaan makhluk ini bisa dilacak di dalam literatur hingga 2.000 tahun yang lalu.

Kata Mermaid berasal dari kata Mere yang berarti Laut (dalam bahasa Inggris kuno) dan kata Maid yang berarti perempuan. Jadi, makhluk yang disebut sebagai Mermaid adalah makhluk setengah manusia setengah ikan yang berjenis kelamin perempuan, sedangkan yang berjenis kelamin pria disebut Merman.

Dalam dongeng, makhluk ini disebut suka duduk di atas batu di dekat pantai, bernyanyi, memegangi cermin sambil mengagumi kecantikannya sendiri. Nyanyiannya disebut mengandung kekuatan mistis sehingga manusia yang mendengarnya akan terpesona hingga tewas karena tenggelam.

Di Cornwall, Inggris, ada sebuah batu yang disebut sebagai batu Mermaid karena seekor Mermaid disebut pernah duduk di atas batu itu dan bernyanyi hingga menyebabkan seorang nelayan lokal bernama Matthew Trawella tewas karenanya.

Mermaid dalam kebudayaan bangsa-bangsaKisah pertama mengenai makhluk ini bisa dilacak hingga tahun 1.000 SM di mitologi Assyria. Dewi Atargatis, ibu dari ratu Semiramis, disebut jatuh cinta kepada seorang gembala dari kalangan manusia yang fana. Suatu hari, tanpa sengaja, sang dewi membunuh gembala itu.

Karena sedih, Atargatis mencoba bunuh diri dengan terjun ke danau untuk mengambil rupa seekor ikan. Tetapi, sang danau menolak untuk menyembunyikan kecantikan yang dimiliki sang dewi. Jadi ia hanya mengubahnya menjadi ikan dari pinggang ke bawah.

Kisah dari Assyria ini mungkin menjadi dasar munculnya legenda mengenai mermaid di seluruh dunia.

Dalam bukunya yang berjudul Curious Myths of the Middle Ages yang terbit tahun 1884, ahli kisah rakyat bernama S. Baring Gould percaya kalau kisah mermaid dan merman bermula dari kisah dewa atau dewi setengah ikan di agama-agama purba.

Dewa Oannes dari Khaldea dan Dewa Dagon dari Filistin memiliki rupa seperti Mermaid. Dewa Coxcox dan Teocipactli dari Mexico juga memiliki rupa setengah ikan. Legenda Indian Amerika bahkan menyebutkan kalau mereka dibawa keluar dari Asia oleh manusia ikan. Dari semuanya, mungkin yang paling terkenal adalah dewa Triton dan Dewi Siren dalam legenda Yunani kuno yang juga memiliki tubuh setengah ikan.

Selain Eropa dan Timur tengah, kisah mengenai makhluk ini juga bisa dijumpai di mitologi di berbagai negara di Afrika dan Asia.

Di Afrika, makhluk serupa Mermaid disebut Mami Wata yang dipercaya dapat menyembuhkan orang sakit dan membawa keberuntungan bagi mereka yang mengikutinya.

Dugong dan Manatee

Kebanyakan peneliti tentu saja menganggap keberadaan makhluk-makhluk seperti Mermaid sebagai hoax. Sebagian lain menganggapnya sebagai salah identifikasi. Tersangkanya yang paling utama adalah hewan yang masuk ke dalam golongan Sirenian, makhluk air herbivora yang berdiam di sungai dan laut.

Dua makhluk yang tergolong ke dalam Sirenian diantaranya adalah Dugong dan Manatee. Kedua makhluk ini memiliki adaptasi yang luar biasa di dalam laut. Walaupun terlihat gemuk, namun dalam beberapa pose, makhluk ini bisa dikira sebagai Mermaid. Misalnya, ketika mereka menyusui bayi, mereka akan menggendongnya di dada sehingga bisa dikira sebagai dada seorang wanita oleh para saksi yang menyaksikannya dari kejauhan.



Walaupun sepertinya banyak yang sepakat dengan identitas Manatee atau Dugong sebagai Mermaid, namun, ketika kita meneliti catatan sejarah, kita bisa menemukan berbagai kesaksian yang sepertinya mengkonfirmasi perjumpaan dengan makhluk yang benar-benar serupa mermaid atau merman (bukan Dugong atau Manatee).

Penampakan Mermaid dalam sejarah
Pada tahun 558 Masehi, Disebutkan kalau seekor Mermaid berhasil ditangkap oleh seorang nelayan di Irlandia. Mermaid itu kemudian dibawa ke desa dan dibaptis oleh para penduduk. Tidak lama kemudian, makhluk itu mati.

Lalu, seorang biarawan bernama Ralph Coggeshall pernah menceritakan kalau seekor Merman pernah ditangkap oleh para nelayan di Suffolk pada tahun 1187. Makhluk itu tidak dapat berbicara dan segera dibawa ke desa untuk diperiksa. Bahkan setelah disiksa, makhluk itu masih tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda kalau ia bisa berbicara. Merman tersebut kemudian dipenjara untuk beberapa lama di kastil Orford. Namun ketika penduduk desa hendak memandikannya di laut, ia berhasil melarikan diri.

Masih pada abad ke-12, Speculum Regale dari Islandia mencatat adanya penemuan seekor mermaid di dekat Greenland.

“Makhluk ini terlihat seperti seorang wanita dari pinggang ke kepala. Dadanya juga terlihat persis seperti seorang wanita. Lengannya panjang dan rambutnya halus. Leher dan kepalanya juga menyerupai manusia. Dari pinggang ke bawah, makhluk ini memiliki ekor seperti ikan dengan sisik dan sirip. Makhluk aneh ini terlihat setelah badai besar melanda.”Menurut legenda Islandia, merman juga pernah ditangkap pada tahun 1305 dan 1329.

Perjumpaan dengan mermaid bukan hanya dialami oleh para nelayan lokal atau penduduk awam.

Christopher Colombus disebut juga pernah berjumpa dengan makhluk ini pada tahun 1493. Colombus sedang berada di lepas pantai Haiti ketika ia melihat ada tiga ekor mermaid yang muncul dari dalam laut ke permukaan. Menurutnya, ketiga makhluk itu tidak secantik seperti yang sering digambarkan, bahkan menurutnya, wajah ketiga makhluk itu terlihat seperti pria.

Kemungkinan Columbus melihat tiga Merman, bukan mermaid. Namun banyak orang yang percaya kalau Columbus hanya menyaksikan tiga ikan Duyung (manatee), makhluk air yang memang sering terlihat di Karibia.

Penjelajah terkenal lainnya, Henry Hudson juga pernah mencatat perjumpaannya dengan Mermaid pada tahun 1608.

“Pagi ini, salah seorang rekan kami melihat seekor Mermaid dan ia segera memanggil rekan-rekan lainnya untuk turut menyaksikannya. Dari pinggang ke atas, punggung dan dadanya seperti seorang wanita. Tubuhnya sama besar seperti salah seorang dari kami. Ketika makhluk itu menyelam ke dalam air, mereka bisa melihat ekornya yang terlihat seperti ekor lumba-lumba yang memiliki pola seperti ikan mackarel. Rekan kami yang menyaksikannya bernama Thomas Hilles dan Robert Rayner.”

Pada tahun 1614, penjelajah terkenal lainnya bernama John Smith (yang kita kenal lewat film Pocahontas) juga mengaku melihat Mermaid. Ia menyebutkan kalau makhluk itu memiliki wajah cantik, mata yang bulat, hidung mancung dan rambut hijau yang panjang. Ia menyebut mahluk itu “Sangat cantik”.

Nah, ini membuat kita bertanya-tanya. Lihat, foto Manatee di bawah ini sekali lagi.

Jika kalian melihat makhluk seperti ini di lautan, Apakah kalian akan mengidentifikasinya sebagai seorang perempuan cantik?

Apakah John Smith berbohong? Ataukah ia harus segera membuat janji dengan dokter mata?

Pada tahun 1531, seekor merman disebut ditangkap di Laut Baltik dan segera dikirim ke Sigismund, Raja Polandia, dan makhluk ini kemudian dipamerkan ke seluruh pejabat istana. Makhluk ini hanya sanggup bertahan hidup selama 3 hari.

Pada tahun 1560, seorang nelayan dari pulau Mandar di Ceylon disebut berhasil menangkap 7 ekor Merman dan Mermaid. Peristiwa ini disaksikan oleh biarawan Jesuit bernama M.Bosquez, seorang dokter yang bekerja untuk penguasa setempat.

Bosquez kemudian melakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh kepada 7 makhluk itu, membedahnya lalu menemukan kalau makhluk itu memiliki struktur internal dan eksternal yang menyerupai manusia.

Pada tahun 1755, Erik Pontoppidan, uskup Bergen yang juga seorang naturalis, menerbitkan sebuah buku berjudul New natural History of Norway yang di dalamnya menceritakan mengenai peristiwa penampakan merman yang disaksikan oleh 3 pelaut dari atas kapal di pantai Denmark, dekat Landscrona. Para pelaut itu berani bersumpah kalau mereka tidak berbohong.Pada tahun 1785, William Munro, bahkan melaporkan penampakan Mermaid yang sangat mirip dengan dongeng yang sering kita tonton. Mungkin kisah Munro telah menginspirasi karakter mermaid yang sering kita tonton di Film-film.

“Perhatianku tertuju pada sosok yang menyerupai seorang wanita telanjang yang sedang duduk di atas batu sambil menatap lautan lepas. Sepertinya ia sedang menyisir rambutnya yang panjang dan tebal. Ia masih berada di batu itu 3 atau 4 menit lamanya.”Pada tahun 1830, seekor mermaid disebut ditemukan di pantai Benbecula di Outer Hebrides, Skotlandia.

“Bagian atas tubuhnya menyerupai tubuh seorang anak kecil berumur 3 atau 4 tahun. Namun dadanya besar seperti dada wanita dewasa. Rambutnya panjang dan mengkilap sementara kulitnya putih dan halus. Tubuh bagian bawahnya menyerupai ikan salmon, namun tidak memiliki sisik.”Menurut catatan Carmina Gadelica, makhluk itu sebenarnya masih hidup ketika pertama kali ditemukan, namun penduduk desa berusaha menangkapnya dengan cara melemparinya dengan batu sehingga ia tewas karenanya. Sesepuh desa bernama Duncan Shaw kemudian membuat sebuah peti mati kecil untuknya dan memberikan upacara penguburan cara kristen untuk makhluk itu.

Sepertinya sulit membayangkan kalau penduduk desa memberikan upacara penguburan seperti itu untuk seekor manatee atau dugong.

Pada tanggal 4 Juni 1857, dua nelayan dari Skotlandia juga mengaku melihat Mermaid. Mereka menulis di Shipping Gazzette:

“Pada hari kamis tanggal 4 Juni 1857, kami sedang bersiap untuk pergi menangkap ikan. Ketika kami berada 4 mil dari Port Charlotte, saat itu sekitar pukul 6 sore, kami melihat sebuah objek aneh di jarak 6 yard. Objek itu memiliki bentuk seperti seorang wanita dengan dada yang besar. Wajahnya elok dan rambutnya panjang melewati bahunya. Makhluk itu muncul di air dan menatap kami sambil menggoyangkan kepalanya. Kami menyaksikannya sekitar 3 atau 4 menit lamanya.”Penampakan Mermaid lainnya yang cukup ternama terjadi pada tahun 1917.

Pada tahun itu, sebuah kapal bernama Leonidas berlayar dari New York menuju Le Havre di Perancis. Dalam perjalanannya, para kru kapal menyaksikan makhluk serupa mermaid sedang berenang di samping kapal itu selama enam jam. Sesekali makhluk itu menampakkan kepalanya ke atas permukaan air, setiap kali selama kira-kira 15 menit sehingga para kru kapal bisa melihat rupanya dengan jelas. Makhluk itu disebut memiliki rambut panjang berwarna hitam dengan tubuh setengah manusia dan setengah ikan. Semua kru setuju kalau makhluk itu adalah mermaid.

Tentu saja akan sangat susah jika mengatakan kalau sejumlah kru kapal yang terbiasa di laut tidak bisa membedakan antara Manatee dan Mermaid.

Mumi Mermaid
Apa buktinya kalau makhluk yang bernama Mermaid benar-benar ada?

PT Barnum, salah seorang entertainer ternama, pernah mengklaim memiliki bangkai Mermaid yang kemudian dipamerkannya untuk mendapatkan uang. Bangkai-bangkai milik Barnum dikenal dengan nama Feejee Mermaid. Belakangan, mumi-mumi miliknya diketahui sebagai hasil kreasi dengan menggabungkan anggota tubuh beberapa hewan.

Sejak itu, banyak mumi Mermaid yang disimpan di seluruh dunia dicurigai sebagai hasil kreasi para seniman. Beberapa telah terbukti sebagai Hoax, beberapa lainnya belum terbukti walaupun juga diduga sebagai hasil kreasi para seniman.

Ini beberapa contoh feejee mermaid hasil kreasi yang cukup ternama.

Selain mumi yang telah terbukti sebagai hoax, ada lagi mumi yang tidak bisa dipastikan sebagai hoax. Misalnya, mumi Mermaid di bawah ini.

Mumi ini disebut ditemukan di Philipina pada tahun 2003. Lalu, pada tahun 2004, foto makhluk ini kembali beredar dan disebut ditemukan di pantai setelah terjadi tsunami besar Asia pada Desember 2004. Makhluk di dalam foto ini dicurigai sebagai hoax karena bangkai yang sebenarnya tidak pernah ditemukan.

Walaupun legenda Mermaid lebih populer di Eropa, namun di Jepang, kisah mengenai mermaid juga bukan hal yang asing. Di beberapa kuil di sana, tersimpan beberapa mumi Mermaid yang dipercaya oleh pemiliknya sebagai otentik. Walaupun begitu, tentu saja banyak yang percaya kalau mumi-mumi ini juga hasil kreasi sama seperti mumi milik PT Barnum. Namun sayangnya, tidak ada satupun mumi-mumi ini yang pernah diteliti secara serius.

Mumi Mermaid ini tersimpan di kuil Zuiryuji di Osaka dan diterima oleh kuil tersebut pada tahun 1682 dari seorang pedagang.

Mumi Mermaid ini tersimpan di kuil Myouchi di Niigata. Panjangnya sekitar 30 cm

Mumi Mermaid ini tersimpan di markas besar agama Shinto di Fujinomiya di kaki gunung Fuji. Tingginya 170 cm dan disebut telah berusia 1.400 tahun. Legenda menyebutkan kalau Mermaid ini melewati pangeran Shotoku di danau Biwa sekitar 1.400 tahun yang lalu. Mermaid tersebut menceritakan kepada pangeran kalau ia dulunya adalah seorang nelayan yang kemudian dikutuk menjadi mermaid. Sebelum meninggal, ia meminta kepada sang pangeran untuk membuat sebuah kuil dan menyimpan mayatnya di kuil. Jika mumi ini memang hasil kreasi, Apakah kreasi manusia membuat mumi mermaid telah berlangsung sejak 1.400 tahun yang lalu?

Mumi ini adalah mumi Mermaid yang tersimpan di kuil Karukayado di Hashimoto. Panjangnya sekitar 50 cm.

Karena belum pernah diteliti, maka sepertinya kita hanya bisa menebak otentisitas mumi-mumi tersebut.

Antara Hoax dan Cryptid

Para ilmuwan ataupun ahli Crytozoology sejak lama berusaha mengidentifikasi identitas Mermaid yang sesungguhnya. Jika makhluk ini hanyalah sebuah hoax, mengapa catatan mengenai makhluk seperti ini tersebar di berbagai belahan dunia dan bahkan telah bermula sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu?

Apakah kesaksian para pelaut ataupun penduduk desa yang terjadi dalam rentang ribuan tahun bisa disimpulkan sebagai hoax?

Kalau bukan hoax, makhluk apakah mermaid ini sebenarnya?

Walaupun sebagian besar peneliti sepakat dengan teori manatee atau dugong, namun sebagian Cryptozoolog sepakat kalau mermaid mungkin adalah sejenis makhluk laut yang telah punah, walaupun mereka juga belum bisa menentukan identitas makhluk yang dimaksud.

Sementara sebagian peneliti belum mencapai bukti yang konklusif, sebagian masyarakat lebih percaya kalau Mermaid adalah makhluk mistis. Ini mungkin bisa menjelaskan mengapa makhluk seperti ini lebih populer di agama-agama purba. Di Afrika, seorang penyihir yang telah bertobat dari aktifitas sihirnya pernah bersaksi kalau seekor mermaid telah menyusuinya sewaktu ia kecil. Dengan kata lain, mermaid yang dimaksudkannya adalah makhluk mistis gaib yang jelas tidak termasuk ke dalam wilayah Cryptozoology.

7 Violence Best Film of All Time

You’ll often menoton darama bleak comedy film, percintan, film heroes, film or hor hor much of the film’s few scenes of violence menanpilkan for lovers of film violence you must know the movie you should Violence following the Best of All Time.
A. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
1. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Top 10 Best Violence Movies of All Time
There are two reasons why this film was terrible the first film will show the bloody scenes of blood taken from a true story and the sound effects sound the death of this film will make your body shiver.
2. Hostel
2. Hostel Top 10 Best Violence Movies of All Time
This film is dedicated to the story of torture, punishment, and murder are brought to the people, this film is very creepy andajangan to be surprised if you see the scene cut away or cut into pieces and other body parts you do not samapai vomiting when there is a murder scene until the spilled intestines menyebapkan .
3. Cannibal Holocaust
3. Cannibal Holocaust Top 10 Best Violence Movies of All Time
Whose name is sure to be cannibals eating human flesh with the blood and exact a bloody cruel horrific flesh reap teeth Imagine a man or a woman, to see blood spilled all over the place, where eating raw skin, tissue, and organ is like eating food cooked in chicken fast food chains.
4. Saw
4. Saw Top 10 Best Violence Movies of All Time
This film is a bloody film lowest blood in modern bieskop. In addition to the seemingly annoying killer named Jigsaw who likes toys that do not sacrifice the lives of different with using a sharpshooter trap so that the victim would not be helpless when it has been entered in once into the trap pernagkap the victim will be killed and mutilated.
5. I Spit on Your Grave
5. I Spit on Your Grave Top 10 Best Violence Movies of All Time
This film tells the revenge of a woman who has been in contempt in wearing a verbal and almost killed her with a vengeance is transformed into a ruthless killer and membuhuh every enemy of his enemy.
6. The Last House on the Left
6. The Last House on the Left Top 10 Best Violence Movies of All Time
This film tells a favorable some of the teens were on vacation a vacation home in the middle of the mengasikan without thought they had a horrible terror and each of them were killed in cold blood.
7. The Human Centipede (1 st and Full Sequence)
7. The Human Centipede 1st and Full Sequence Top 10 Best Violence Movies of All Time
This film tells the story of a man who in oprasi manusis oprasi the mnyeramkan centipede with a guy in the fox to be a centipede who eventually became a ruthless killer.

Cartoon 10 best in the Year 80-an

Let’s reminisce. The 80’s arguably one of the most glorious decade. Breakdance, full-color clothes, slang, aka thugs as well as cartoons, are some things to remember. Discuss the cartoons, who the hell is regarded by many as the best and still made ​​an impression on the heart? Here comes the 80’s 10 best cartoon …
10. Smurf
The best 80's cartoons
Who does not remember a bunch of blue dwarf this man. Although they look the same, wearing the same clothes and live in the same place, each smurf has a unique personality that is able to rescue a group of gargamel and Azrael.
9. Gummi Bears
The best 80's cartoons
Not as a cartoon remembers this one? You know, a bunch of colorful bears are always an adventure. This Disney production is touted as one of the best that giant firms issued movie.

8. GI Joe
The best 80's cartoons
Well this time the men’s turn. Amit deh, who among you who then aspired to become soldiers because watching this film. GI Joe is really a great success deh.

7. He-Man
The best 80's cartoons
Hero is depicted as a perfect (in his day) by the creator. Handsome, well-built and capable of beating anyone his enemy. It seems like not a few of us who also have the imagination to be a superhero like He-Man.
6. Transformers
The best 80's cartoons
This one is no doubt of his fame. Vehicles that can be turned into a robot and crush the evil, is considered cool by the audience ranging from children to adults. Cartoon version of the first, up to the big screen version, released in 2007, the Optimus Prime has always managed to invite admiration et al.
5. Mario Brothers
The best 80's cartoons
Mario and Luigi, two brothers have a lot of fans. In addition to cartoons, adventure games Nintendo released Mario Bros. also sells on the market. Absurdity of their main attraction besides the exciting adventure.
4. Rescue Rangers
The best 80's cartoons
This movie is an adventure story of Chip and Dale, two squirrels in a friendly but often also involved in the conflict. According to many people, the inherent character of the public mind and a good story, make the Rescue Rangers was named as one of the best.
3. Thundercats
The best 80's cartoons
The 80’s is promoting teamwork, and no cartoon that shows an example is better than Thundercats. It’s clear to me why this cartoon is the best number three.
2. Duck Tales
The best 80's cartoons
Anyone would remember the Duck Tales theme song. Adventures of Scrooge McDuck rich duck and three little ducks, Huey, Dewey and Louie, considered to be very epic. No children who would miss an episode.
A. Voltron
The best 80's cartoons
This is the heyday of the 80’s cartoon. The film is able to combine elements of cartoons that have almost all the time. Pictures, stories and the ability of the five Voltron robots considered almost perfect. Besides watching the film, most of us would also collecting toys, right?

10 Best Film Omnibus

In the world of cinema, there are some terms in the genre film industry itself, one of which is the Omnibus or Anthology. The word ‘omnibus’ comes from the Latin ‘omnibus’ which means ‘for all’. Perhaps this is why in an omnibus film, there are different genres on offer. Drama, comedy, horror, thriller, and romkom. In an omnibus can be no single theme, or a director, or a writer, or an actor who always comes up. Omnibus of a film that never ane watch, here’s 10 Best Film Omnibus ane version Gans. Check this out:
A. 4Bia

4bia or Phobia is a Thai horror film, divided into four segments, each segment is written and directed by Youngyooth Thongkonthun, Banjong Pisanthanakun, Parkpoom Wongpoom, and Paween Purijitpanya.
A. Happiness / Loneliness (original title – Ngao / Loneliness; Director: Youngyooth Thongkonthun)
Pin was a young girl who lived alone diapartemennya. Accident that caused his leg in a cast successfully sabotaged their daily life, and make it continue to be his room. Everyday just to see the internet and send a sms with friends, until one day there is a sms from an unknown number who want acquaintance with Pin. Pin initially have a doubt, but because he really did not have a job, he ended up sending it serves. Pin was pleased to learn that sending sms is a man.

Pin changed daily to be more cheerful, as he replied sms-sms Pin very quickly, unlike his friends. The title of this segment, Pin would be happy if her sms immediately responded, but very lonely if the sms was never responded. The man was asked to send photographs Pin, and Pin request otherwise. After sending her picture, Pin surprised because he had just sent back to the Pin photos sent to him. Pin was the man playing tricks, until he asked to see more clearly Pin difotonya, and when seen, terlihatlah silhouette of a man being in the picture with the Pin.
Replace 2.Mata Eyes (Original Title – Yan Sang Tai / Deadly Charm; Director: Paween Purikitpanya)
Pink is a high school girl who is a member of the school’s most powerful gang. One day, the gang except for Pink and Chieko, another member, was reported by a student named Ngid nerd smoke marijuana because it was caught. Ngid was beaten out by the gang. A few days after tonight “penghajaran” Ngid, he again presented to the gang, with a book that if a picture is viewed, who saw it will soon die. The gang was captured again Ngid, but Chieko looked at it and dropped a sharp metal pierce kederetan neck. Angry gang leader who was pushed Ngid Chieko injured and inadvertently make it look at the picture itself. Ngid was scared because he is now exposed to the curse, and therefore are not careful he fell from a window and punctured the flagpole outside.
Amid 3.Orang (original title – Kon Klang / Person or Persons Unknown; Director: Banjong Pisanthanakun)
Aey, Puak, Shin and Ter is a young man who loves rafting. Before bed, they were telling stories and mocking, but one of them, Aey, joked that if he died there, he would invite people who sleep in the middle to sleep with him. The next day, when you’re playing white-water rafting, Puak ignorance that stands in the boat, the boat capsized and they were successfully dropped all passengers. Aey, Puak and Shin managed to ketepian, but Ter is still sinking. Aey took the initiative to help him, but when Ter until ketepian, Aey was not seen again.
At night when going to sleep, Ter remembered for Aey joke the night before, followed by approval of the Shin. Fathers who initially did not care, I finally decided that they would sleep with the position of the triangle so no one would sleep in the middle.
4.Penerbangan 224 (original title – Teaw Bin 224/Flight 224; Director: Parkpoom Wongpoon)
Pim, a flight attendant was surprised that he should air on his day off to pick up a princess of the royal Vanistan, Sophia. Initially he will be alone with his friend, Tui, but Tui was no problem and Pim was alone with the daughter of Sophia dipesawat it. Daughter Sophia’s husband, Prince Albert was first located in Thailand. During dipesawat, daughter Sophia acted arbitrarily in Pim, from the hands of Pim dropping hot coffee to tell how the penalties for cheating dikerajaannya, that she would be tortured, and before he died, he had to kneel on the wives of men who diselingkuhinya to ask for forgiveness . Pim also intends to take revenge.
2. Paris Je t’aime

Paris, je t’aime (French for (Paris, I Love You) is a film in 2006 that played a few actors from several countries including America, Britain, and France. 2 hour film consists of 18 short films that occur in the arrondissement (sectors) are different. film was directed by Gurinder Chadha 21 directors including, Sylvain Chomet, Joel and Ethan Coen, Gerard Depardieu, Wes Craven, Alfonso Cuarón, Nobuhiro Suwa, Alexander Payne, Tom Tykwer, Walter Salles and Gus Van Sant. Film It consists of 18 short films. Originally, this film consists of 20 short films. Following the 20 sectors in Paris. However, due to some constraints, the two films are not so included.
3. Love Setaman

The film tells the story of 8, the story of a child who has always worked hard all day for just a bottle of water and a pair of roller skates, the story of sisters pirated dvd seller who started feuding because her sister started starbucks coffee craze, the story of a boy who started enamored psk with a lady’s man but he was a teacher PMP, the story of the Japanese people who are hungry to find true love and meet a girl karaoke guide, the story of a television director, who underpaid his wife seek release from the pressures of his office and the supervisor, the principal story of a mother’s nursery children who try to live in yakininya Islamic rule in the midst of the crush of all earthly things, the story of a former driver of foreigners alone would have a big problem after he received the precious gift a keepsake from his boss, The story of a woman’s cloth merchant, who when the dream of his life on a pilgrimage to the prop by his only child, he instead found a another reality. All these stories are strung in a single theme in the story of love and starring by 27 actors and actresses on board Indonesia.
4. Hormones

Romantic comedy works Songyos Sugmakanan Thailand in 2008 is a story about the romance of the teens who have not emotionally stable. Berseting during school holidays or school, their story is divided into four stand-alone stories that could be related to one another though.
The first tells the story of two male teens named Pu (Charlie Trairat) and Mai (Sirachuch Chienthaworn) are competing fiercely to win the heart of a beautiful girl named Nana (Ungsumalynn Sirapatsakmetha). Just so I can get a phone number Nana, and Mai was Pu did everything possible though quite silly and crazy.
The second story revolves around a nerdy teenager named Jo (Ratchu Surachalas) being intoxicated at the C (Chutima Teepanat) which is a popular girl in school, while the third tells the story of a girl called Oh Lek (Focus Jirakul) are so crazy about the singer famous pop Didi (Lu Ting Wei).
In order to follow the songs in concert diyanyikan Didi, do not be surprised if Oh Lek busy learning Mandarin. The fourth and final story tells of a student named Hern (Chantawit Thanasewee) is torn between his desire having an affair with a beautiful Japanese tourists, Aoi (Sora Aoi) or remain faithful to her lover, nuance (Thaniya Ummaritchoti).
5. Fear: Faces of Fear

Fear: Faces of Fear is a horror anthology film from Indonesia which was released in 2008. The film stars, among others, by Dinna Olivia, Fauzi Baadila, Marcella Zalianty, Shanty, Lukman Sardi, Eva Celia Latjuba, and Mike Muliadro.
Segment 1: Show Unit
Bayu (Lukman Sardi) and Dinna (Marcella Zalianty) are couples who are getting married next month and is currently living in a luxury residential complex. Dinna first divorced her husband Andre (Donny Alamsyah) where the marriage of a daughter, Shira berbuahlah. In a party at his neighbor’s house, Bayu saw his lights on and thought his home was invaded by robbers. Bayu was entered by holding a knife and tried to find the robber, but even that turned out to stab Shira Bayu just want to startle it. Shira cold sweat for the murder of the innocent, the fear of corpses Shira Bayu put into the trunk.
Segment 2: Naya incarnated
Naya (Dinna Olivia) is a girl’s mindset and the modern metropolis. But he was born in a traditional Javanese family-retained ancestral lands. Naya that night to stay in a distant family who was having an indigenous sacred ceremonial washing Javanese keris with the whole family. Instead of following, he even seduced his cousin Leo (Junior Liem) in the upper room. Above, Leo warns Naya Naya on the attitude of the ignorant and insolent to the ceremony. When Naya and Leo almost kissing, the lights went out just as chickens are used as a ritual procession passed.
Segment 3: Peeper
Bambang (Epy Kusnandar) is a man who served as a janitor / cleaning service is very fond of the hobby (voyeur), which he loved and enjoyed the beauty of a woman’s body through the peephole. One day he visited a puppet theater presenting performances of people. Bambang given free tickets by a manager of the theater, and watching a show about Sarpanaka (Wiwid Gunawan). Bambang captivated by the graceful and mysterious dancer Sarpanaka and eager to enjoy the beauty of the female dancer’s body. After the show finished, Bambang sneak peek into the backstage dressing room and the woman. Bambang is careless for a moment, surprised to see her disappear.
Segment 4: The List
Andre (Fauzi Baadila) finds himself distracted by the science of witchcraft began strangely sent by a jealous ex-girlfriend, Sarah (Shanty). Sarah who grudges against Andre paying a Shaman (Syaeful Anwar Ahmad) who hired her to punish Andre in a series of scenes of black magic attacks are cute but creepy. Sarah asks the witch doctor so he could see that Andre and Andre could see her too. And so it happened, she saw Andre in the water the reflection of the healer and Andre saw her with her TV.
Segment 5: The Rescue
Explosion “Laboratory Namro-4” in Jakarta made a strange virus spreading vicious, making Jakarta the verge of destruction and death that makes the city officially quarantined. Jakarta is now filled with a bunch of ‘human’ bloodthirsty hunt down all the creatures that move a prey. Gegana team sent to the city in a rescue operation to search for human remains that have not been affected. Girl (Eva Celia) and Anton (Sogi Indra Dhuaja) were civilians who had been found by a team Gegana down in the operation, namely Space (Reuben Elishama), Ngurah Rai (Ananda George), and Hatta (Rigid Satrya). It tells the story of a team effort to get out of a building into a den of thousands “of human malignant” to another building the rescue helicopter pick-up point. Hatta died on the trip, while Anton and Space are scattered from the other, made it first to the place.
Segment 6: Dara / Blood
Dara (Shareefa Daanish) is a chef and owner of an expensive restaurant. Dara stature is graceful and beautiful and make a lot of men are interested in coming to his house. Adjie (Mike Muliadro), Eko (Dendy Subangil), and Rama (Ruli Lubis) came in about the same time, but Dara had set them to come on different nights. Adjie which was planned by Dara came that night, sedated and locked in a room that contains the butchers of the human body pieces. Before Dara had finished him, Eko had to come and make Dara Adjie leaving the bound state of helplessness. Eko was a dinner provided by Dara. In an unexpected mood, Rama also came and dinner was served by Dara. Classical music accompanies their conversation together, but, Adjie successfully removed the mouth and of course cried out for help in the process to escape it. It makes Eko suspicious, as he stood, Dara who had prepared a lot of weapons under the table, take a cleaver and cutting the throats of Eko Eko to flounder on the floor, while Rama just sat helpless with fear.

This film tells a love story that exists on Valentine’s Day.
Kate (Julia Roberts) is a military officer who became a passenger on a flight from Iraq to Los Angeles when she meets Holden (Bradley Cooper), a gay man.
Flower shop owner, Reed (Ashton Kutcher) invites his girlfriend, Morley (Jessica Alba), to get married after he learns that his best friend, Julia (Jennifer Garner), has a boyfriend named Harrison (Patrick Dempsey) who was already married. Julia’s mother, Estelle (Shirley MacLaine) is a happy retiree who must reveal the affair in the past to her husband, Edgar (Hector Elizondo), while his granddaughter (Emma Roberts) would have sex with her boyfriend at her school. Tyler Harrington (Taylor Lautner) and Samantha Kenny (Taylor Swift) also were lovers will be dating at the school.
An assistant named Liz (Anne Hathaway) working at the biggest talent agency in town and dating a letter to the employee, Jason (Topher Grace). Meanwhile, a journalist named Kara (Jessica Biel) to work on Valentine’s Day with her boss Kelvin Briggs (Jamie Foxx) who falls in love with him where Kara.
Kathy Bates plays the “love therapist” and the voice of Joe Jonas Morley’s dog.

Love is a film that was released in Indonesia in 2008. The film, directed by Kabir Bhatia is starring, among others, by Laudya Chintya Bella, Wulan Guritno, Luna Maya, Widyawati, and Sophan Sophiaan. The film was released on February 14, 2008. Contains 5 segments, revolves around love and the power of Love. The best segment is the segment of the film between Widyawati and Sophan Sophiaan.
8. Sad Movie

By Kwon Jong Gwan-gwan as a director and a long list of top Korean star from Jung Woo-sung, Im So-jeong, Cha Tae-hyun, Yeom Jung-ah, Shin Min-ah, Son Tae-young, and Lee Ki- woo, Sad Movie presents four interlocked stories.
The first story is about Jin-woo (Jung Woo-sung) who works as a fireman who courted a sign language interpreter named Su-jung. Only one thing that makes their relationship difficult to be forwarded to the level of marriage: Jin-woo refused to release a perilous profession and often makes the Su-jung worry.
The second figure is the Su-eun (Shin Min-ah), Su-jung’s brother is deaf and has a scar on his cheek. Although often provide support for the candidate-in-law and sister, Su-eun has the problem itself: while working as a clown at the amusement park, he fell in love with the painter Sang-gyu (Lee Ki-woo). Because of its limitations, Su-eun can only approach Sang-gyu with the costumes she wore everyday.
Ju-yung (Yeom Jung-ah) is the third character in the film, a hard worker who often quarreled with his son Hui-chan. Things began to change when Ju-yung in the hospital due to being hit by a car, Hui-Chan began reading her mother’s diary which tells about the birth until the time he grew up. The atmosphere seemed more upset when sentenced later Ju-yung cancer.
In the course of the story, Hui-chan met with Ha-seok (Cha Tae-hyun), the fourth figure who worked odd jobs as a target at a boxer. The hope is only one: to get a lot of money to be able to reclaim his girlfriend love Suk-hyun (Son Tae-young).
As its title suggests, Sad Movie is really present a full four-story through tears.
9. FISFiC Vol. 1

FISFiC is an acronym for the Indonesian Fantastic Short Film Competition, a competition of short films in the genre of horror, thriller, science fiction and fantasy, held by some practitioners of Indonesia such as film
Sheila Timothy, Joko Anwar, Gareth Evans, The Mo Brothers, Eddy Rusly Ekky Imanjaya and to pave the way and an opportunity for talented young filmmakers from all over Indonesia to jointly promote the film Indonesia, especially the films of such genre that has been mentioned earlier. After a thorough selection and judging, six manuscripts chosen for later success stories realized in the form of six short films that eventually fill the DVD anthology horror film entitled FISFiC Vol. 1 this.
10. Love Actually

Love Actually is a romantic comedy setting air-Natal ahead of the coming of the British created in 2003. The film was made in 2003, taking five weeks before Christmas setting. The plot itself contains eight stories in relation to one another. And at the end of the film, all of the cast film was met at Heathrow airport, England, a month after the New Year.

10 Best Film About Friendship

Friend is a figure who is always there when we need. He will always consider us part of his life under any circumstances, no matter when we are hard or happy. Friend was the first to reach out when we need a helping hand. Friend is also the person who first came when we’re feeling lonely. Though sometimes he disappears but be assured of a friend one day will surely come back in our lives.
In the world of cinema, there are many films that the theme of friendship but of so many movie-themed film of friendship is there are 10 movies that really the best according to ane. In addition to the difference in terms of the story is also supported by a topnotch acting of the players. This Gans 10 Best Film About Friendship ane version. Check this out:
A. The Shawshank Redemption

The story is set in 1947 in Maine, USA was started by a young banker whose career is on the rise, Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) were sentenced
life in prison because he was accused of killing his wife and his mistress, unfortunately the evidence shows that he is the murderer of his wife and also his wife’s affair with a man, when in fact he was not the culprit. Andy then sent to a prison called Shawshank Prison, led by Warden Samuel Norton (Bon Gunton).
There, Andy was at first a very isolated and lonely, but he then realized that his heart still kept a glimmer of hope. He later friendship with Red (Morgan Freeman), another lifelong inmates can arrange anything in prison. Red is helping Andy can survive in very harsh prison.

2. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Told a family consisting of Ralf, an SS Officer, Nazi commander, his wife Elsa, a 12 year old daughter Gretel and 8 year old son Bruno.
The story begins when the father was transferred to the suburbs to become commander of the Nazi concentration camp. Bruno’s sad because the place he did not have any friends to play and are also not allowed to leave the house. One moment Bruno saw the prison through his bedroom window. He thinks it is a settlement of farmers, and they were all wearing a nightshirt. Though it is a prison for Jews.
Bruno often sneak out of his house to close the place, until he became acquainted with a Jewish boy his age Shmuel breathe. They often played together, although separated by electric fences. Until one day when Bruno would like to help Shmuel find his father missing. He took a shovel and start digging a hole under the electric fence of the camp.
3. Heart Is

Hearty Paws Heart Is, or is a Korean film that tells about the friendship Chan, a 11-year-old boy with his sister and Hearty a dog who became a birthday gift from the Chan to his sister. Hearty Chan stealing as a child to be presented to his sister, Soi on his birthday. Chan, Soi, and Hearty betiga ended up staying in a house in the countryside, as Chan’s father had died and her mother went looking for money to other areas and did not post the news. Until an event occurs and change their lives. Soi Chan’s sister in an accident.
Chan and Soi figure in this film very well played by Yoo Seung Ho (protagonist of the movie THE WAY HOME) as Chan and Kim Hyang Gi (the main character in the movie WEDDING DRESS) as Soi.
4. The Kite Runner

The film begins by Amir adults who received a call from Afghanistan who told him to go back there soon, Amir had immediately thought of his childhood … The film was made in flashback, begins with the friendship between Amir small (son of a prominent Pushtun tribes) and Hassan (children from ethnic minorities the Hazara servant / faithful servant in Amir’s family home) that accompany each day playing together. Even by the Amir, Hassan is regarded as his brother. However, when there is an event that changed everything, while pursuing a broken kite Amir and Hassan were confronted by a bunch of naughty children, it’s just too advanced to defend Amir Hassan to Amir managed to escape and hiding, but Hassan was beaten to bruises, and even the more distressing, Hassan was sexually abused by the bad boys. This was witnessed by Amir in hiding. At his residence, Amir experiencing turmoil, fear Amir Hassan blamed for causing sexual abuse. The state was forced to betray Amir Hassan, to create a scenario that Hassan had stolen a watch with a hidden provision in the home his father Hassan, Hassan’s father felt so ashamed as a servant in the house. Finally they were forced to resign so as to leave the family servant and Amir. And because of the war (the Soviets invade Afghanistan), Amir family migrated to the United States.
5. Laskar Pelangi

The first day of the opening of a new class in elementary school Muhammadiyah became very stressful for the two outstanding teachers, Muslimah (Cut Mini) and Pak Harfan (Ikranagara), and 9 students who wait at the school, located in the village Gantong, Belitong. Because if you do not reach the 10 students enrolled, the school will be closed.
That day, Aaron, a student special rescue them. To 10 students who were then named Rainbow Warriors by Bu Muslimah, having an unforgettable story.
5 years together, Mrs. Mus, Pak Harfan and to 10 students with a unique and merits of each, struggled to continue in school. Among the many challenges and pressures to give up, curls (Zulfani), latitude (Ferdian) and Mahar (Veris Yamarno) with talent and intelligence emerged as the driving spirit of their school.
In the midst of an effort to keep the school, they lose their beloved figure.
6. Children of Heaven

A story of friendship between the brothers from the Middle East countries. A small child named Ali Mandengar (Amir Farrokh Hashemian played by) a very simple life in the midst of a family along with her parents and her siblings.
At one point, in a place the soles of shoes Ali intends to get its first sister Zahra since been repaired. Then when they wanted to buy potatoes at a shoe store picked up his brother was lost by a scavenger. He was confused.
As he recounted the incident to his brother, his sister cried and asked Ali to find his shoes because his father could not afford it anymore. Ali tried to look for it but to no avail.
As the accountability Ali was willing to lend his shoes to his brother (Zahra) is a way to use alternating current used in schools, Zahra Ali in the morning and wear it during the day. This resulted in Ali often late to school and get into trouble.
7. Stand by Me

Gordie, Chris, Teddie and Vern are four best friends who are very familiar. at a time, Vern who is looking for ‘treasure’ overheard two young thugs who said they had found the body of someone somewhere. Vern is the fear quickly gave it to 3 people companions. An error might regret later Vern, because eventually the three friends decided to search for bodies and trying to be the first to find him. Vern would not want a coward this solicitation must follow the three friends to find the body of the adventure.
On the one hand, the thugs who heard the conversation Vern also told about the dead body to his friends. and as one might expect, they are also interested in finding the dead body with a dream to be a hero city. without knowing each other, the two groups against each other even this race to the same place.
8. The Cure

Dexter (played by Joseph Mazzello), the boy was small and frail though he was already 11 years old. He can not do a lot of activity because the blood has been contaminated with HIV-AIDS virus from blood transfusions. He lives with his mother alone. Dexter had a neighbor named Erik (Brad Renfro) who also lived with his mother alone. Two different kid this age (older Erik) friendly.
Dexter does have a scary disease, but he had a mother who doted on her. In contrast to Erik, he’s strong, agile, but did not feel the affection of his mother who is too busy working and assertive. Erik played with Dexter at his home, but her mother forbade her fear of contracting AIDS from Dexter. At the time of the understanding of AIDS is still minimal, and the disease is considered contagious for granted. Dexter became so isolated, Erik just wants to be friends with him.
Erik was very fond of his friend, the two boys have in common: both like science fiction movies and playing war. Erik Dexter obsessed with curing diseases, he believed that AIDS could be cured by wild plants, they are often an adventure in the woods near their homes to search for plants. Dexter to be guinea pigs by drinking potions made Erik.
Once, when Erik was playing with Dexter and his mother’s shop, he found a magazine that contains news of the discovery of a cure for AIDS by a doctor in New Orleans.
9. Dorm

Chatree Ton (Charlie Trairat) will soon be entering the seventh grade. He was sent by his father to a school outside the city in order to get good grades, and also so that Ton did not report to his mother that his father had an affair. New school, he accepted the chief steward dorm mother, Pranee (Sukapatana), which is rather strange and eccentric. As a new student from out of town, she feels lonely and misses his family and old friends. Dorm mates told lurid stories in the dormitory, one of which is the seventh-grader who committed suicide by jumping into a swimming pool which is now old never used again. Another story is the mother Pranee often turn songs from the record player is broken, sitting down and then opened the drawer and cry every night. Only one child named Vichien (Chienthaworn) is being nice to her, and slowly they became good friends.
Ton finally learned that Vichien actually not human. He is the ghost of seventh graders who drowned in the pool. Ton initially feared, but in the end they remain good friends. Vichien Ton teaches a lot about how to live in the dorms. Until one day Ton see Vichien jumping into empty swimming pool, as if he was struggling in the water and eventually drowned. Scene is repeated every six o’clock. Ton and then find a way to free his best friend from the cycle of death and can rest in peace.
10. 3 Idiots

tells the story of three friends, who are both studying at Imperial College of Engineering. College is one of the best techniques in India. All three are Farhan Qureshi (R. Madhavan), Raju Rastogi (Sharman Joshi), and Rancchoddas “Rancho” Shyamaldas Chanchad (Aamir Khan). Farhan and Raju is a student with a simple background while Rancho from a wealthy family. Farhan actually wanted to aspire to as a wildlife photographer, but have run aground because of the desire to meet his father’s wishes to go to college. Raju, rather dilematik on the one hand he placed a burden on his shoulders to raise the degree of his family is poor. While Rancho is the genius of a very rich learning goal is to have fun, because he did not have the burden at all.
Rancho, have different views about science and make the machine. His views are so advanced and opposed the ancient view of the engine. that everything is not only based on the “text book”, as he taught in universities today. And he also opposed the teaching of Professor Viru one or commonly called “Virus” (Boman Irani), by another student. It is at the start after there was one student named Joy Lobo, hanged himself in his dorm room. Then Rancho against Virus and provide a data number of students who committed suicide, harm caused by the teaching system, which focuses only test scores rather than on the basis of student self-related creativity.
Then began the feud between the Rancho and Virus. Virus gives Rancho kapada label and the two were good friends as the “idiot”.